Pete Ording

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23.120.2012 0:30
Alles hier geschriebene gilt grundsätzlich für alle in einer Region lebenden Menschen, und nur der Einfachkeit halber hier nur in männlicher Form geschrieben, außer es geht auf einer Seite spezifisch um eine bestimmte Personen- gruppe.
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....gemeinsam ist alles genau so stark, wie die "Anzahl" der Gemeinschafts-
beiteiligten !

Written on the 23rd of Dec. 2012 at 0.12 midnight. Anything of this site is still german only, and this one site is english alone at this website. Am living in Bremen Germany (Adress secret, no interest for radicals, that may "visit" me some time), course my intantions that much humanly, that some forignhaters surely wont like. This site is in English only.

My professional is race rider (Jockey) und since 1991 also whole- and international salesman.

Activly I try to create something that how I can help others saving money and getting things that are be looked for and get things myself am looking for and here and there even making money with it (we are living in the capitalism -still- that I do not demand, but except). Also - what ever needed am able for to do so people on the whole world will live well without problems of others.

Everybody shell have the right for good aducation, house, food, medical care, energie, water, culture participation, contacts to other people as looked for, as long as these are not against others individuals. Mobility and communication shell presently also be part of it.

For all this I will do what ever I can without demand of any payment as long as it is for common welfare oconemy and culture. Also am member of "mehr Demokratie e.V." (more democracy e.V.), Attac and Nutzigem (free usage society), participating basic income, mondays demonstration and much more as well as boats4people

privatly I always open for deep friendships like relationships and more including totaly being open for everything as long as no one gets disturped, pained, or destroied if is the issue for someone.

Any single person is important, and issues are without importancy in view to the person, to finally support humans again.

We suppose to support any individual insteat of fighting against each other. We suppose to fight against anything that avoids all this.

This site is for nothing else than to let others know what and who I am.

Others am trying to organize for anyone that live can be well for everybody in the whole world, and individuals will get helped where needet.

Also any individual shell (as long as it´s neede for the personal use without destroi of others) be helped as far as wanted and needet as well demanding of the individual and not the regarding the issue. Everybody shell have the right for a good live.

So I always look for corporation with others that whants the same. I don´t care for those who just want best for themselfs uncaring others that are less able.